- Organize or attend community singing events. Have fun singing regularly.
- Choose ex-copyright songs. Celebrate freedom from royalties.
- Pick a song and learn the songs others pick. Take turns.
- Utilize regional songwriter donations
- Negotiate gentle acoustic instrumental accompaniment. Unplugged.
- Just enjoy participation. Be audience and performer both.
- Enjoy co-learning music with fellow music co-learners.
- Relinquish rights to videography and recording. Share your voice.
- Join voluntary performance at community events.
- Embrace the simplicity of Australian copyright. Do your own research.
- Every meeting is an audition for your manners. Polite inclusive kindness.
- Share online song links to save the planet. Go paper free.
- Abide by Health and Safety and Public Liability rules.
- Contact Hamish mobile: zero 4326 uno 0 double 8 seven
What can we sing without permission or payment?

The immense quality and quantity of music belonging to the overall Australian community is amazing good news. New material will enter the arena from 2026. Choristers involved in community singing report they found the same thrills and emotions as attending a favorite concert. Ex-copyright works have additional benefits.They allow us to broadcast video and make changes without the creators permission.
why is it confusing?
Other countries have very different culture and laws around intellectual property. For example, entrepreneurs write brand new ‘traditional folk’ songs. The foreign term public domain is virtually meaningless in Australia. I prefer the term ex-copyright. Professional singers avoid tunes that can be freely copied. There are exceptions, for example, Ed Sheeran sings ex-copyright song. Generally speaking, you are more likely to hear the Easter bunny complain about chocolate. There is no complete list of ex-copyright songs. Ask a librarian for help, if needed.